Aura Seeing

An aura is a vibrational energy surrounding every material object.

Your health, personality, spirituality and past lives are reflected in your aura.

Just as some people can hear sounds beyond the normal range of hearing and into the infrasonic and ultrasonic levels, other people can see a wider range of the electromagnetic spectrum.

The aura is made up of several layers of varying density, and is the reflector of the soul.

Your aura swirls as a colorful vibrational encasement around you several feet thick, and it is a finer representation of your electromagnetic field than your etheric body.

The higher your spiritual development and the better your health, the purer and more vibrantly brilliant your aura is.

The darker or duller the aura, the more spiritually, mentally and physically imbalanced or unhealthy you are.

When you are desperately ill, your aura begins to fade -- and in most cases, fades out completely before you die.

You cannot fake your aura.

Your aura denotes your true nature and personality, and when you lie, a greenish-yellow flare shoots through the halo at the top of your aura.

Usually people have one or two dominating colors (strong points) in their aura.

These colors will more than likely be their favorite colors as well.

Black clouds indicate hatred and malice.

Deep red displays anger.

Blood red signifies sensuality.

Dull brown is associated with avarice and materialism, and grayish brown indicates selfishness.

Greenish brown means jealousy.

Gray signifies depression and fear.

Orange indicates ambition, pride, inspiration and a sign of power.

Yellow is associated with joy, freedom, intellect and the qualities of spiritual knowledge.

Grayish green in the aura reveals deceit and cunning.

Emerald green displays ingenuity and versatility.

Turquoise indicates a quality of being highly energized and influencing.

Such people can do many things at once and are good organizers.

The hue of pale green denotes sympathy, compassion and a basic healing attitude.

Dark blue and purple indicates spiritual thoughts and feelings.

Pink indicates that a person has achieved a balance between spiritual awareness and material existence.

Light blue reveals a dedication to high ideals.

White is the epitome of perfection.

Most young children (up to 5 years of age) see auras naturally, because their foveal vision has not yet been desensitized.

Children also have more vibrant and stronger auras than most adults, who are heavily influenced by the sensory and materialistic world.

If children were encouraged at their young age to continue seeing auras and to learn about them, they would not loose this natural ability.

To see an aura, you need to increase the sensitivity of your eyes and extend the range of perceived vibration beyond the visible light.

Part of improving your auric sight is improving your peripheral vision, so master both “Exercise Improving Your Peripheral Vision Awareness” and “Exercise Using Your Peripheral Vision” before attempting to do the following exercise.

As an eye exercise, construct a chart using black and white pieces of construction paper.

Start with a 15-inch square of black paper, and place over it a 14-inch square of white paper, then a 13-inch black piece and so on every inch down to the center.

Place the chart at eye level (from a seated position) on a wall in a well lit room.

Assume a relaxed, comfortable, seated position about 6 feet from the chart.

Now look at the center and mentally imagine the chart zooming towards you as if it were in motion.

If done properly, the chart will appear like you are looking down the interior of a tunnel.

Next, visualize the chart moving away from you until it appears back to normal again.

Since the muscles of your eyes are responding to this zooming effect, there could be some fatigue.

Therefore, do this exercise for no longer than 10 to 15 minutes at a time, but practice every day.

If you wear glasses, keep them on, but understand that your vision may improve with this exercise.

Caution: Only do this exercise in a clear, positive frame of mind and you will have the additional benefit of having that feeling intensified afterwards.

The con- centric squares have a psychotronic effect of amplifying your vibrations like stacked pyramids (see "Exercise Psionic and Psychotronic Generators").

To train your eyes to see the auric rainbow in the ultraviolet area of the spectrum, an exaggerated stimulation of the rods and cones of your parafovea (the retinal cells of your peripheral vision) can be achieved with blue and red filters.

By looking at the sky for several minutes through a dicyanin (blue) filter, your peripheral vision is sen- sitized to the shorter wavelengths of blue and violet, and the longer red and orange wavelengths are eliminated.

Looking through red goggles accustoms your sight to night vision and dim light.

A red filter permits the cones of the eyes (primarily in the fovea) to function, but leaves the rods (primarily in the parafovea) inactive and ready to see in dim light when the goggles are removed.

Opposite each primary color is its complementary color.

Cyan (bluish-green) is the complement of red.

When you stare at red for a while, and look at a white surface, your eyes will see its complementary color of bluish-green more easily.

Your eyes have tired of red.

Since fatiguing the eyes with red produces bluish-green after images, seeing the ultraviolet range of auras is more accentuated against a white or light neutral background.

Blue and violet rays are seen better by the rods of the eyes than by the cones.

In near darkness, the focal vision of the fovea is nearly absent.

Vision shifts from the high concentration of cones in the fovea to the high concentration of rods in the parafovea.

(You might even experiment with goggles where one lens is blue and one is red to see what affect it has on your vision as a dual after-image!?

) Now go to the bathroom and take off all your clothes.

Relax and begin breathing in a connected way to supercharge your system with oxygen (see "Exercise Connected Breathing For Increased Energy").

Now stand or sit in front of a large mirror and look at yourself.

Use a white wall or a black curtain behind you for a neutral background.

Use a dim or subdued light at first, because the sensitivity of your peripheral vision to the blue end of the spectrum is increased (see "Exercise Using Your Peripheral Vision").

Look at the point above and between the eyes for a few minutes without looking away, and allow your eyes to adjust to the dim light (like going into a dark theater).

With your peripheral vision, your should begin to see that the background near your head is brighter and has a different color than the background further away.

Can you begin to see a bluish alcohol-like flame around your temples, arms and hips?

When you see that, you're beginning to make progress in seeing your aura.

The longer you concentrate, the better you can see it.

Concentrating on one spot increases the sensitivity of your eyes.

Practice at least 10 to 15 minutes per day to develop your sensitivity to seeing auras better.

By letting your eyes go "out of focus", you can sometimes see auras around people or street lights at dusk or at night, but as soon as you realize you're seeing the aura and focus in on it, it fades.

Remember, the infrared and ultraviolet portions of the light spectrum do strike your eyes along with the visible band.

With persistent practice in a relaxed way, your visible band will eventually broaden into the aura range.

In some ways, looking through your own aura distorts your auric perception, but eventually your eyes will get attuned to the color differences.

About 2% of the population already see auras and don't consider it unusual.

Most people however see in what is called the visible spectrum from a wavelength of 400 nanometers to a wavelength of 700 nanometers.