Using Your Peripheral Vision

When you improve the functioning ability of one part of your brain, you improve the connective framework of your entire brain.

Most brain circuits involve millions of cells throughout all areas and levels of your brain.

Add to those circuits, and you add to the range and complexity of the functions they can perform.

Under red light, focal vision is sharp and clear, but peripheral vision is poor.

Under blue light, peripheral vision is better and focal vision is blurred.

Perhaps this can explain why magicians claim to see certain blue-tinted nail polish marks on the backs of cards with their peripheral vision, but can't see the same marks with their focal vision.

If 2 simultaneously flashing lights are shown, the one viewed with your focal vision will appear to flash ahead of the one you view with your peripheral vision.

This is because the foveal cells are connected to the cerebral cortex (the conscious thinking area), and the parafoveal cells of your peripheral vision lead to your reflex brain areas.

Certain sports like football, basketball and hockey require acute peripheral vision for superior performance (passing the ball, avoiding on rushers, etc.).

Baseball and tennis players keep their focal vision on the ball as they use their peripheral vision and kinesthetic awareness to guide the bat or racket to the ball.

Also, by avoiding tunnel vision and using your peripheral vision while driving your car, many accidents can safely be avoided.

For an exercise drill, pick up objects, trace mazes, draw pictures, play chess, dial a phone and light a candle using only your peripheral vision.

Fixate you focal vision at the center of the above paragraph and see how many letters and words you can discern around that central point.

Have someone throw a tennis ball to you and catch it with one hand using only your side vision.

Throw wads of paper into a wastebasket using your peripheral vision alone as you move around the basket from varying distances and directions.

When you take a walk, consciously throw your awareness into your peripheral vision and recognize the things around you.

Look at the horizon and see everything in the 180 degree range in front of your eyes! Doing this exercise consistently will actually quiet your internal dialogue and even stop your entire thought processes.

After mastering shutting off your internal dialogue, you can move on to mastering even more complex exercises.

Doing these and other such drills will not only help you to make more use of your peripheral vision, but they will also stimulate many formerly overlooked brain cell areas as well.