Is your weight totally dependent upon your calorie intake and the amount of your physical exercise?
The various experiments in hypnosis have shown how the human mind can affect the body.
What you can do under hypnosis, you can learn to do without hypnosis.
Stress and tension can produce a retention of ingested materials, just as relaxation can allow a more thorough flushing and expulsion of same.
Constipation, gastric difficulties and many overweight problems occur with tense, negative attitudes.
By relaxing and relieving a stressful attitude, many internal problems are relieved as well.
Through the power of visualization and suggestion, you can actually eat what you want and still lose weight! The elements of your ingested food can either be assimilated or passed.
Your metabolic rate can either be stepped up or lowered, and you learn that you are in complete charge of all your bodily functions.
As autogenic training and hypnosis have demonstrated, many physiological changes respond easily to suggestion and mental imagery.
For instance, if you visualize a man sucking on a lemon, you salivate.
If you imagine being buried alive or drowning, you internally experience panic.
It's also easy to see how stress and nervous anxiety can replay worrisome visualizations that can affect your metabolic rate through fear.
So obviously the absorption of carbohydrates, proteins and fats can be slowed down or speeded up by your emotional attitude.
In one extraordinary study using hypnosis, imagery and positive auto-suggestions, female subjects actually brought about their own breast enlargement! If fatty tissue can be accumulated and guided to the localized area of the breasts for increased size, why can't fat in the localized areas of the waist, gut and thighs be decreased through a similar mental process?
It can.
To begin with, since your subconscious often acts on your own self-expression, don't condemn yourself about your weight.
Instead compliment yourself each day with affirmations like, "My body is perfect for me, and it is responding to positive changes" or "I am eating more sensibly and liking myself more."
Such affirmations are very useful while doing the visualization exercise.
The more you give yourself such positive input, the more perfect and beautiful your body will become.
Also, keep a joyful mental attitude about the exercise, and it won't feel troublesome to you.
Tension retains weight, so relax and let your body respond to you.
Most animals maintain stable weights throughout their lifetime.
If they are deprived of food or force-fed, they lose or gain weight, but it returns to its stable level when they are allowed to eat naturally again.
By overriding the automatic controls with your conscious mind you can shed excess fat from specific area of your body.
Man does not use his olfactory sense with the same acuity as other mammals.
Consciously smelling the savory essences of the food you eat affects the satiety center in the limbic system and curbs the appetite automatically.
The more aromatic the dish or the environment where you eat, the less the tendency to overeat.
Masticating your food well slows the eating desire, and making or blowing bubbles into each well chewed mouthful aerates the mass before swallowing for less intake as well.
For a beginning exercise, sit in your easy chair and relax completely all your muscles from your toes to your head.
Now imagine that a sumptuous meal has been prepared for you.
Sit down at the table provided for you and savor it.
Mentally relish each morsel.
Smell and taste each dish prepared for you.
Feel the food being bitten and going into your stomach and filling you up.
Eat your dessert, and drink your favorite drink.
Now feel the full feeling of satiation.
You will find that if you do this visualization just before you snack, you'll be less liable to overdo it and maybe even lose the craving altogether! Before retiring for the night, talk to your fat and know that it will dissipate soon.
Direct your conscious awareness into it.
Massage your overweight midsection while you express assurance and visualize your fatty cells breaking up and sloughing away.
Give your midsection this “expectation directive".
Visualize the microscopic process of it flushing through your system, and your allowing it to do so.
Make the definitive statement, “I want to be lighter".
Think and feel yourself thinner.
Stop trying to “lose” weight; then your subconscious doesn’t have to help you “find” what it hears you lost.
Simply “release” the weight.
Through these conscious directives, your body will respond.
Some visualizations will work better for you than others, so experiment with your own creations.
You could visualize your stomach already full to capacity and not needing any food intake.
You could visualize your food turned to a horrible color, or with an ugly smell, or a slimy flavor.
Imagine yourself small and inside your stomach filling it up.
Imagine taking a pill that swells up & makes you feel full.
Create whatever imagery works for you, and make it as real as possible by involving all your senses.
Produce sounds, colors, tastes, smells, tactile sensations and kinesthetic feelings.
Throughout the day create visualizations that will raise your metabolic rate, like jogging, swimming or making love.
You'll find the more you practice any visualization, the more vivid it becomes.
You'll also find that a peculiar time distorted process will take over, and your expended real time on each visualization will be greatly shortened.
Then you'll finally realize how visualizations coupled with your positive affirmation/intention can bring about a weight reduction in your life.
You'll also begin to trust yourself more with better eating habits.