Understanding Doubletalk & Buzz Words

Doubletalk can be defined as a mixture of sensible terms and unfamiliar terms or familiar terms used in an unfamiliar context.

The art of doublespeak or pseudo- communication is to provide what listeners want or expect in an illusory form so that it readily becomes accepted as real communication.

You’re most susceptible to doublespeak when you tend to unconscious, unthinking, non-thinking public.

When the actor, "Dr.

" Myron Fox, was hired to lecture some years ago on the contrived topic, "Mathematical Game Theory As Applied To Physician Education," he successfully deceived his audience of psychiatrists, psychologists, and educators using buzz words, doubletalk and non sequiturs.

Even though they understood hardly anything he said, they were immensely impressed.

It was an experiment to see how an ostensibly knowledgeable individual could present an aggressive, personable demeanor and overwhelm his listeners even though in essence he said absolutely nothing -- and it worked! Being impressive, but NOT giving understanding is the purpose of this exercise.

A very poor but intelligent speaker can say a great deal in an unimpressive manner, while a brilliant and eloquent speaker may say exactly nothing.

By learning how to impressively say nothing, you can learn to recognize it better in others.

In this way, you can learn to be impressed or unimpressed with exactly what someone says, not with someone's credentials or particular position in life.

Learning to give individual thought to what you hear, instead of just giving emotional reaction is important.

You'll learn to believe or disbelieve something and KNOW why you do it.

By questioning what you hear and read, regardless of its official source, your thinking on any subject will be sharpened and your decisions on its correctness for you will become more discerning and open- minded.

Now concentrate on style, not content, and use the list of buzz words below (improvise and integrate your own words if you wish as well) to form 10 short sentences to deliver to a partner in an impressive manner.

Simply pick one word from each column for a phrase that can be included in your sentence.

Alternate with your partner in each sentence delivery & both of you construct and create 10 sentences.

For example: I think I'm experiencing an enhanced type-cast projection.

1) Managerial 2) Systemized 3) Balanced 4) Optional 5) Enhanced 1) Complete 2) Digital 3) Second-Generation 4) Reciprocal 5) Logistical 1) Mobility 2) Alternative 3) Time-Synch 4) Contingency 5) Concept 6) Objective 6) Transitional 6) Potentiality 7) Harmonious 7) Type-Cast 7) Projection 8) Compatible 8) Organizational 9) Integrated 9) Positional 10) Fluctuated 10) Beneficial 8) Probability 9) Programming 10) Conformity