Rhythmic breath control slows down body and mind rhythms and helps to resynchronize out-of-synch body/mind processes.
To begin this exercise, relax in a chair or lie down on a couch or bed and close your eyes.
Take in a slow, deep breath of as much air as you can hold.
Now exhale slowly, but completely.
Inhale 10 deep abdominal breaths and each time exhale slowly by pulling your abdomen in.
Now make your breathing rhythmic.
Inhale to the count of 4; hold it to the count of 4; exhale to the count of 4; and pause to the count of 4.
Repeat 3 cadences of this rhythmic pattern.
Now relax.
Next, inhale to the count of 6; hold it to the count of 6; exhale to the count of 6; and pause to the count of 6.
Repeat this process 3 times.
Now do the same thing to a count of 8.
Repeat that 3 times.
Do this series daily.
Another variation of this exercise is to do as above, but synchronize the counts of your breaths to the beats of your pulse.
Remember all breathing exercises should be done gently and never forced, so practice them frequently and during the idle moments throughout your day.