Remote Viewing Via Telepathy

Remote viewing is primarily an ability to process pictorial, non-analytical information.

Using remote viewing, general environmental locations are perceived more readily than numbers, letters and minute details.

The reason for this is because there is a great deal of interfering 'mental noise' in the minds of most people, and a general lack of proper concentration.

Consequently, your imagination attempts to make up for what is confused or unclear.

Usually though, parapsychologists have had success in more than half their experimental trials, whether they're dealing with present-time or precognitive ESP.

You also seem to do better when you are excited and positively expectant about results -- and of course practice allows you to perfect the skill.

Also don't let your ego block you.

If it works, it works.

If it doesn't, it doesn't.

No big deal.

Don't feel bad about it.

Do it again another time.

To begin the exercise, do some rhythmic, deep breathing and assume a com- fortable position in a chair or lie prone on a couch.

Relax all your muscles from your toes to your head in a progressively thorough fashion.

The more of an alpha/theta brain wave state that you can achieve, the better.

Now, working with a partner to serve as the 'beacon,' designate a specific time when your partner is to reach a particular target site (a fountain, park, building, beach, etc.).

Have the beacon arrive on time and have him think only of the site.

Look at a picture of the beacon or visualize his face and ask, "Where are you?

" At the designated time, have a friend act as your interviewer to ask you questions about what your first mental impressions are concerning the site.

Don't analyze or force your impressions, just let them flow to you.

Besides what you are seeing, are you experiencing any sounds, smells or tactile sensations?

Your interviewer can say, "Why don't you drift up in the air and tell me what it looks like from there?

" or "Enter the beacon's body and look through his eyes.

" As a variation of this exercise, select a definite time to have a partner hold a household object at a specific location (home or office) and describe it to you mentally.

In this case, imagine what it would be like to hold the object.

Fully associate yourself with the imagery.

What is its smell or what emotional reaction do you pick up?

How heavy is it?

Are there different parts to it?

Afterwards, discuss with your partner over the phone your impressions.

As an alternative experiment, designate a specific time to tune into a friend during his daily activities.

At the same time, let him do likewise with you.

For 15 minutes, let your thoughts revolve around how your friend is feeling physically, emotionally and intellectually.

Does he have a headache?

Is he worried about pressures at work?

Is he planning or creating a project?

Discuss with each other your impressions afterwards.

A variation of the exercise can be done through the Ganzfeld sensory deprivation approach.

While listening to white noise through a headset, the halves of a ping pong ball adhered over your eyes are bathed in red light.

During the sender's viewing period, you describe any imagery, sounds, feelings or sensations that come into your mind.

It must also be emphasized that the clearer you are in your own mind at the time that you do this exercise or any telepathy exercise, the better your result.

If you are stressed emotionally in any way, resultant clarity in your mind can be skewed.

Master the necessary Emotional Management Section exercises, especially the “Exercise -- Honesty For Better Clarity,” before even attempting to do any Telepathy exercise.

If deceit, disloyalty, secretiveness, false promises, half truths and the habit of saying one thing and doing something else are your habit, any real mental clarity can hardly be achieved enough to accomplish this exercise or any Telepathy exercise.