Learning Foreign Vocabulary

As an exercise, type a list of foreign vocabulary words in capital letters with their English equivalents alongside them.

Now turn the page upside down and hold it in the left field of vision.

Read the foreign vocabulary aloud in this position with their English counterparts.

Using all capital letters allows the brain less confusion in deciphering the upside down shape of the words.

Holding the page in the left field of vision projects the images to the right brain.

The right brain is the acknowledger of upside down, mirror and backwards-type language.

It is also the primary avenue to the storage area of long term memories.

Hence by directing your memorization process to that side of the brain first, the number of repetitions to learn the vocabulary is greatly reduced.

Singing or saying the vocabulary with intonation does the same thing.

As another exercise, choose nouns that depict objects, animals or tangible things.

Now create a mental image of the item in a blown-up or exaggerated form and print the letters in large print across the item.

For instance, the Spanish word for bed is 'cama.

' Visualize a bed leaning against a wall with its end side up and the letters C - A - M - A printed across it in bold capital letters.