Increase Your Energy, Increase Your Health

Do you usually associate a healthy person with low energy?

Of course not! People with high energy are usually very healthy, and those with low energy are susceptible to low health.

With this in mind, it would stand to reason that you would naturally want to increase your energy in every possible way to optimize your chances of excellent health, right?

You know when you feel weak and sickly or when you feel strong and healthy, but how can you measure your own energy level (see the measuring device described in the back of the book)?

Do you even know what specifically causes the highs and lows in your energy amplitude?

People sleep to renew their energy.

The more relaxed their rest and sleep, the more easily their energy is increased.

What other factors are involved with your energy level?

Nutrition, emotions, posture, water quality, breathing, exercise, music, aromas or simply seeing a movie can all have a bearing on your energy level.

One of the most important factors related to your energy level though is your sense of purpose.

One reason why many elderly folks lose their vitality for living is because of retirement! Work provides people with a sense of purpose, and when their work is removed, their energy level can drop dramatically.

So find some purpose for your life - charity work, a new vocation or avocation, a goal, a hobby or a pursuit you always wanted to take up, or better yet, tune into your spiritual reason for being here.

When your life has purpose, you will not only feel better about yourself, but your energy level will rise as well.

Understand that all factors are interrelated too, so if you improve one, the others must also improve.

For instance, if you are nutrition oriented, beginning a diet of raw organic vegetables will increase your energy level, and in turn you’ll also begin noticing improvement in your breathing, your posture, your emotions and the music you prefer.

If you are exercise oriented, beginning a daily routine of good exercise and deep belly breathing will increase your energy level too, and in turn your nutrition, your emotions and your posture will tend to improve as well! Exercise also works well with children having a low self-esteem.

Statistics have shown that creating basketball courts or gymnasiums in poverty stricken neighborhoods lowers crime and drug addiction in those neighborhoods.

To raise your spirits, raise your energy level.

If you feel down in any way, exercise for 30 minutes or do deep connected breathing for several minutes or watch an action packed movie or do something else to raise your energy level.

Improving the mental and emotional attitude that you carry with you every day can allow your energy to flow in better harmony.

Some people block the flow of the available energy around them with negative thought patterns they create and project from themselves, like worry, doubt, anger, fear, hatred, depression, etc.

When you are frequently objecting, saying “no” or saying “I can’t,” you block the energy flow, and place boundaries, restrictions and limitations around yourself.

You can eat the best of organic foods and take all the best supplements with the best water and still have a low energy level by feeling lousy about yourself and those around you! Once you change your emotional attitude and start thinking better about yourself, then good nutrition, better posture, better breathing, good exercise, good music and a good environment can benefit in raising your energy level too! At least, open yourself to the possibility of having higher energy and that alone will help to relieve some of your blocks to it! Although the initial effects are mostly temporary, continual exposure to weakening factors can eventually lead to a more lasting condition of ill health.

Elimination of debilitating factors in your life allows your body to build up its energy reserves again, just like during the process of sleep and relaxation.

By increasing your energy, your health correspondingly improves.

We are constantly engulfed in a sea of energy, whether it’s from the earth, the sun or the life forms around us.

When we accept the things that happen to us and know we have created our own circumstances, we flow with the process in that understanding.

When we flow in harmony with the natural energies around us, we tune into and feel the oneness of everything.

We synchronize our energy level with such harmony.

We can always express our preferences, but our choices in life produce the results we get.

Our lives always reflect the choices we make.

Acceptance allows flowingness.

Objection blocks the process.

Just as a booing, critical audience can deflate the energy level of a speaker, athletes know that cheering from a crowd can increase their energy level for a better performance.

The excitement of a crowd is very contagious.

By suffusing your essence with excitement, enthusiasm and positive words, thoughts and actions, you can increase your own energy level, even if you do so artificially! Weight lifters know this so they pump themselves up with positive thoughts and words before they lift a heavy weight.

During angry or fearful excitement, some people have lifted cars or other heavy objects quickly and without thought.

During pleasurable or sexual excitement, fatigue and pain are often ignored without any thought.

Since high excitement goes hand in hand with high energy, creating an excited state of mind will increase your energy.

You can artificially increase your energy level by artificially creating an excited state in yourself.

Try jumping up and down and saying aloud, “I’m excited, I’m excited” several times and notice your energy level go up! You can get energized by practicing energetic activities, rhythm and dancing for instance, or even thinking of such activities in a visualized way will raise your energy level.

The benefit of high excitement brings about higher energy, which in turn brings about higher health.

High energy people are highly motivated, more positive people, and rarely have time for depression, worry, hatred or other negative emotions.

Their mental acuity also increases.

So create excitement in your life, and your mental and emotional health will both improve.

Watch movies and videos that create a high energy state.

Imagine yourself excited, enthusiastic, energetic about something and soon you will find your body responds to the imaging.

If you continually say how sick you are or how many aches and pains you have, how can you expect to feel strong?

You’re reliving your aches and pains every time you talk about them.

By having faith in yourself and your ability to be stronger, you can increase your energy amplitude and begin to realize that you ARE already very strong! By using their indomitable spirit, dying people have even postponed their own deaths until after special events or projects were completed or finished! As an individual, you have the potential of being a virtual powerhouse of energy.

Since all living systems are similar in their basic energy structure, all living things affect each other by the subtle interchange of their intercellular communication.

This is the basis of the unified field concept.

Even without a conscious direction, a person with a powerful energy field can have it homeostatically transfer itself to a weaker energy field.

(“And a woman having an issue of blood came behind him, and touched the border of his garment: and immediately her issue of blood dried up.

And Jesus said, Who Touched me?

Somebody has touched me: for I perceive that virtue is gone out of me.

” Luke 8:43 - 46) The low, ailing energy around the woman was openly receptive to Jesus’s high energy and she was automatically healed by it as it flowed into her.

Positive expressions of love, compassion, help, courage, enthusiasm, kindness and encouragement assist in a favorable interchange between living systems, while anger, fear, worry, hatred, lust, condemnation, laziness and greed hinder the process.

Every word, action and thought that you have affects your energy level in some way.

By tuning into yourself, you can learn how to discern what energizes you from what de-energizes you.

For example, if you saw or visualized a little puppy playing, you probably would experience warmth and a good feeling inside, and your energy level would be heightened.

On the other hand, if that same little puppy was suddenly struck by a car while you watched or as you visualized it, you would feel a negative reaction to it in your solar plexus quite distinctly.

As a daily exercise, practice observing and tuning into your positive and negative reactions to the things around you.

For instance, when you eat something, tune into whether the food energizes or de-energizes you.

By mindfully being with your emotional reactions as they are happening, you can learn what builds and what tears down your energy level.

In this way, you can achieve better clarity for yourself.

To bring balance and harmony in your life, associate yourself with factors that will benefit and help you.

Do things with a total involved feeling of enjoyment rather than a mechanistic or disheartened feeling.

Every time you harmonize your energy system with wholesome food, natural fiber clothing, a positive attitude, controlled deep breathing and relaxation, the easier it is to draw from the universal energy well.

The more you increase your energy amplitude, the better able you are to withstand the detrimental factors of pathogenic cellular invaders, pollution and accidental injury.

After maximizing your internal energy amplitude, synchronizing your energy with the energy of the universe brings about an inner feeling of oneness and peace.

You can proceed through your day in a relaxed, powerful way! A man changes the world every time he changes himself.

("Jesus said unto him, if thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.

" Mark 9:23) As an exercise in increasing your awareness and acuity in discerning your own energy level, practice determining your own energy level on a scale of 1 to 5 throughout each day.

You can use the following as a guide: Energy Level 1 - Very tired, ready for a nap or sleep.

Energy Level 2 - A little less tired, but sluggishly dragging through your day.

Energy Level 3 - Moving through your day at an average level, not especially great, but not sluggish.

Energy Level 4 - Movement oriented, like after your first cup of coffee.

You feel like doing.

You feel like action.

Energy Level 5 - You feel super great, like you want to jump off the wall or do back flips.