Do You Have Any Idea?

Have you ever said "I have no idea" to a question put to you, when you really didn't stop to think about it at all?

With just a little application of logical thought, you will find that you can easily have an idea on matters that you previously thought you had no idea about.

If you take the trouble to solve problems by breaking them down into smaller subproblems, many ideas will come to you.

For instance, do you have any idea of what the circumference of the earth is?

No, Huh?

OK, let's break it down.

There's a 3-hour time zone difference between the East coast and the West coast of the U.


, right?

They are also about 3,000 miles apart, right?

If it takes 24 hours in a day for the earth to complete one rotation on its axis, and 1 hour is equivalent to about 1,000 miles, then the earth must be about 24,000 miles in circumference, right?

(It is actually 24,902.45 miles.) Are you fed up with pollution of the air, water, food and soil?

Do you feel helpless about it?

Do you have any idea how to stop it?

Of course, you're not the president of the United States, but you ARE an exceptional thinking citizen of the U.S.

As an exercise, close your eyes for a moment, and step into the feeling of being such a special individual.

Trigger your anchor for self-confidence (review "Exercise -- Anchoring Positive States of Mind").

Feel the power at your command as your mind fills and surges with ideas.

Now open your eyes, and as this citizen of the U.S., break down the problem of air pollution into smaller subproblems, and write down in a notebook a creative way to solve the problem of air pollution from your citizen level.

Afterwards, proceed with water, soil and food pollution in a similar fashion.

Most people don't think about large problems for too long because they feel that it's just too sizable for them to do anything about.

When you seriously do think about such problems, you quickly find that there is something you CAN do about them after all.