Distant Examinations

Diagnosing and examining people from a distance is a form of mental projection.

Some doctors have learned to not only diagnose a clothed patient intuitively, but also to precognitively see the course of a patient's disease stretching out in the future ahead of him.

For this exercise, work with a partner until you become proficient.

Then afterwards, you can work on your own.

Assume a self-hypnotic state (review "Exercise -- Learning Self-Hypnosis") and tell your partner when you have achieved it.

Now have your partner tell you the full name, address, age and sex of a person that he knows very well, but that you don't know at all.

Now visualize this person in your mind's eye.

Let your partner guide you by asking you questions about the subject.

Do you perceive any abnormalities or unhealthy conditions present in the subject?

Scan the body from head to toe and pick out any areas that attract your attention.

First impressions are important, so speak up when you see something.

Your partner should also remember only to give you positive feedback regarding your successful "hits.

" In other words, if you perceive a trouble spot in the leg and the subject recently fractured his leg, have your partner say, "That's correct!" If there was no trouble with the leg to his knowledge, simply have your partner say, "I have no information regarding that area.

" Imagine yourself entering into the subject's body (review "Exercise -- Role Taking As An Actor") and experiencing what it feels like.

How much does the subject weigh?

How tall is the subject?

Does the subject wear glasses?

Does the subject smoke?

What is the subject's personality like?

Have your partner tell you when you score a hit, but instruct your partner only to say, "I have no information regarding that area," when he thinks you are wrong.

Many times later on, your partner may learn that you were indeed correct on some area that he thought you were wrong on before.

In any event, a positive encouraging air is better for your reception that a negative one.

Also, only do this exercise with the air of helping people, not hindering them.

As you practice, you will get more and more accurate.

Eventually, you will be able to 'call up' the image of anyone for examination and ask your inner self where any problems lie.

Afterwards, you can visualize yourself soothing and healing the affected area.

Any energies directed in this way are of benefit (review "Exercise -- Sending Energy To Someone").

In concluding this exercise, you can come out of the self-hypnotic state by simply suggesting to yourself that you will progressively awaken as you count backwards from 10 -1.

As a variation to this exercise, have your partner visualize the person to be examined.

As your partner holds onto this visualization in his mind, dangle a pendulum (review "Exercise -- Divining, Dowsing or Radiesthesia") over an anatomical chart of Homo sapiens, working from the head to the toes slowly.

When the pendulum begins to circle, ask your partner about that area of the body.

The clearer your partner's visualization of the subject, the better your success at diagnosis will be.

Have your partner verbally respond in the same fashion as in the preceding paragraph.