Studies of individuals who had 'multiple personalities' revealed that their brain wave patterns (via an electroencephalogram) were as different as between person-
alities of different individual people.
Whereas normal subjects that tried to fake
multiple personalities could not alter their brain wave patterns significantly.
There are
those of you that believe in demonic influences and those of you that do not.
doesn't matter, because this exercise is for either school of thought.
If harmful, spirit entities draw to your negative, emotional behavior to accentuate
or augment it, the reverse has got to repel them.
"Resist not evil," simply means not
to grapple or fight it in a resisting fashion.
Instead embrace it in a loving fashion
("Love thy enemy").
Pure, selfless, unqualified love is a powerful force.
It has
nothing to do with sex or lust, but everything to do with true power over evil.
people rarely experience it.
Think of a moment in your past when you came close to
experiencing selfless love (parent for child, child for parent, spouse for spouse), and
concentrate on that feeling.
Now visualize a goblin-type entity called Mr.
around the person who appears to have a nasty, uncontrollable side to his personality.
Visualize yourself alongside that person while you are generating unselfish love and
both of you are seeking to embrace Mr.
Visualize next either Mr.
Fear running
away or disintegrating in your embrace.
Do this exercise at least 3 times a day and
watch the effect that it has on the other person.
Don't even let the other person know
what you are doing.
If you are a Christian, couple the visualization with an affirmation like, "In the
Name of Jesus Christ, disperse all evil and fear in (your friend).
" If you are not a
Christian, say, "All the fear in (your friend) is dispersing now.
" Either way, repeat
the affirmation 3 times or more for maximum effect