Creative Uses For Everyday Things

Creative Uses For Everyday Things

The world is filled with wasteful habits.

By thinking creatively, normal throw away items can be utilized or recycled productively.

When physically attacked, some creative individuals have used pencils, pens, hat pins, credit cards, combs and belts as weapons to ward off attackers.

In impoverished countries, the poor by necessity have used the bottom half of glass bottles as glasses and cups; the top half of plastic bottles as funnels and the bottom half as flower pots; newspapers become wrapping paper, etc.

How many creative uses can you think of for the following household items?

There are no wrong answers, so think wild.

Use your notebook, and list as many uses as you can for each item during the next seven minutes.

Empty Soup Can - 20 Bottle Caps - Torn Lamp Shade Broken Scissors - Toilet Paper Tube - Old Electrical Cord Broken Comb - Light Bulb